الاثنين، 8 أغسطس 2016

First aid basics (base DRABC) اساسيات الاسعاف الاولي

First aid basics (base DRABC)

It is the prime consideration for everyone involved in the care and treatment of casualties.
Experienced first aid providers, ambulance crews, nurses and medical specialists, are all aware of the importance of Danger, Response, Airway, Breathing, and Circulation.

Danger (D):
  1. to yourself: don't put yourself in danger.
  2. to others: don't allow bystanders to be exposed to danger.
  3. to the cesualty: remove the danger from the casualty, or the casualty from the danger. 

Response (R): 
  1. gently shake and shout at the casualty.
  2. do not shake young children or infants.
  3. is the casualty drowsy or confused?
  4. is the casualty unconscious, but reacting?
  5. is the casualty unconscious with no reaction?
  6. if the casualty is unconscious and breathing spontaneously, place the casualty in the stable side position.

Soft tissues and bones (S). 

  1. is the airway open and clear?
  2. ts there noisy breathing?
  3. are there potential obstructions such as blood?
  4. if so, open and clear the airway.

  1. Look to see if the chest rises.
  2. Listen for the sound of breathing.
  3. feel for air
  4. If not breathing giver 2 effective breaths.

  1. Is there a carotid pulse?
  2. Is it strong?
  3. Is it regular?
  4. Is there major blood loss?
  5. If not pulse present start CPR.
  6. If the casualty is conscious, then treat the injuries of illness according to the signs and symptoms. Remain with the casualty and call for assistance.
  7. If the casualty is unconscious and breathing spontaneously, leave him or her in the stable side position, and then treat any injuries.
  8. If the casualty is unconscious and not breathing, then place him on their back and resuscitation will done as required.

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